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into this movie. Something is wrong with
the script.
My gut is telling me to avoid the Kerry Sutton trap. On three occasions she has thrown a few curve
balls that leave me wondering about what’s ticking inside the woman competing
with Mike Woodard for N.C. Senate District 22.
My gut tells me that Sutton’s campaign has been an effort to convince
voters to give her the nod due to the failures of others, versus what she
brings to the table.
It’s one of those things that vex my spirit. It’s up there with unloading a fart while at
the dinner table and picking your noise before shaking my hand. I get an eerie feeling when a person has to draw
attention to another person to validate their own merits. I’d rather hear the strengths a person brings
to the proverbial table than to market their worth based on the bags the
competition is carrying. It leaves me thinking,
“I’m better than what’s his name, so give me a chance.”
The first hit at I’m better than the rest came when Sutton
informed us that she should be elected because of a lack of female presence in
the Senate. I’m not disputing her point,
and the big girl upstairs knows I’m all in when it comes to undoing the disparity
among those who rule the land. I’m fed
up with a bunch of old, white dudes making policy that impacts people they
would rather see move to another state.
My problem with it then, and now, is the assumption that her
gender alone was enough to convince us to give her the vote. It takes more than being a minority to
validate the endorsement of those tired and confused. If gender was all it takes, then give me a
little space to share my frustration involving the lack of black presence
everywhere I look. Exhibit one – take a
look at any news room in the city nearest you.
I can forgive that faux pas.
No biggie. I placed it in the
same file with Obama sharing with the nation Trayvon Martin could have been his
son and his spiking the ball on the anniversary of Ben Laden’s death. It’s one of those tell the truth moments that
we need to hear to keep us on track.
Rewind the tape a few months prior to the announcement of her bid. Sutton started the balls rolling to oust
Tracey Cline as Durham’s District Attorney.
She filed the motion.
She pushed the case. Some may call
that setting things right. It could be
argued that Sutton was the only one with the guts to take a punch at
Cline. The big bad bully needed to go
down, and she did. My problem with
Sutton’s role in removing Cline as Durham’s DA is the timing of it all. She took her hit at Cline just in time to
position her as one of Durham’s outstanding leaders. It made her vital. I’m not implying that she used the
dysfunction in the DA office to get attention, but it does leave me with a
nasty smell in the room. Did somebody fart?
Next was the fart that took me over the edge. It was like little Johnny playing the tattle
tale on Jane in my third grade class. “Mike
Woodard has failed to comply with the ethics rules that require all candidates
for the General Assembly to provide important economic disclosure forms,”
Sutton stated in a press release on May 1. “A candidate’s failure to comply
with such requirements can lead to serious penalties. The State can fine a candidate $250 as a
civil penalty. Criminal penalties also
can be enforced if a candidate is found to have provided false
This is the message coming from the Sutton camp the week
prior to the election. Woodard could be
fined $250. Stop the presses. It’s the scandal of the election!
Really? As important as meeting deadlines
are, Sutton’s rant says more about her than it does about Woodard. I’m better than him because I got my homework
in on time.
I’m not suggesting that we minimize the importance of
submitting the paperwork. Woodard, and
all other candidates, should comply with the rules of the game. What bugs me is the work Sutton put into
uncovering the mistake. With all that it
takes to get elected, shouldn’t more time be spent in proving to us that she
deserves to win, rather than exposing why Woodard shouldn’t be elected. If all she has is evidence that she is keen
on uncovering other people’s mistakes. Well, you fill in the blank….
I need a Senator, not a private eye. That’s my answer on top of the dots that make
a line.
Do your homework. This is all so dumb and you clearly don't know anything. She is amazing and what is right with NC!