It’s only six months. Right? Selecting someone to complete
the term vacated by Joe Bowser is no big deal. Right? Members of the Durham Board of County
Commissioners can easily make that decision. Right?
Hold on, wait a minute.
This is Durham, NC, and there is no such thing as an easy decision. The last time members of the Board of County
Commissioner were stuck with the same task they ended up picking Pam Karriker, a
supporter of Amendment One. Her short
stint on the board is a reminder that not everyone living in Durham has tolerance
oozing from their bones.
Karriker, along with
her four comrades, have been stuck with the charge of replacing Joe Bowser
after he was taken to the wood shed and given an old fashion beat down during
the primary. Old Joe’s feelings were so hurt
that he decided to take his toys and go home.
Picking a person to serve a six month term is a thorny task
when placed within the context of Durham’s old school political culture. The most heartbreaking part of how things get
done in Durham is how virtually everything is tied to an antiquated system that
fails to serve the average Jane and Joe citizen. Those squeaky wheels get all of the
attention, and, at the end of the day, what is best is often compromised to
satisfy the interest of someone holding the perception of power.
That’s why the best person to replace Bowser – for six
months – may get overlooked. That person
is Anita Daniels.
This six month term of duty is tied to a system that demands
being fed bits of morsels from the table of power. On that table are old names that represent,
in the minds of those holding power, the essence of credibility. Only a few are allowed to sit at the
table. It’s a system that feeds on its
own while frustrating the growth within footsteps of actualization.
The characters at the table are few. Fred Foster, Jr., who placed near the top among
those receiving votes in the primary election, is the favorite among Bill Bell
and others who have chimed in on Bowser’s replacement. Foster’s showing during the primary, combined
with Wendy Jacob’s willingness to bow out of taking office early, is why it
will be difficult for Commissioners to pass on his taking office.
Hold my mule. That
may be politically advantageous, but Daniels is the one for the job. Why?
I take serious issue with Foster taking office prior to relinquishing
his role as President of the Durham NAACP.
There is nothing within the guidelines of the NAACP or with the Board of
County Commissioners that negate his right to hold both offices; however, serving
in both capacities reflect a lack of sensitivity to the potential of serious
conflicts of interest. The work of the
NAACP will be compromised by having a President who can’t speak on behalf of
the organization due to his role as a member of the Board of County Commissioners.
There is also the matter of the November election. It appears that Omar Beasley will be placed
on the ballot along with the five Democrats who survived the primary. Although Foster was on top of the heap among
those who collected votes, the will of the people is still in question, and we
can’t assume that Foster will survive in November. By appointing Foster before the November
election, Foster is granted footing over
others who remain in the competition.
Phil Cousins, chair of the Durham Committee on the Affairs
of Black People, is a favorite among many.
Cousins is capable of entering the work with both feet on the ground due
to having served as a County Commissioner.
He brings knowledge that will make for a smooth transition. The problem with Cousins is his current role
as Chair of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People. Although the Durham Committee’s Political
Committee is not chaired by Cousins, serving the Board of County Commissioners
would be a major conflict of interest due to the November election. Not to mention that Cousins has a tough task
in convincing people that Lavonia Allison isn’t pulling the strings of the
Another option would be to seek the service of another
former commissioner. The most likely choice
would be Maryann Black, who currently serves on the staff at Duke
Medicine. Becky Heron, who resigned from
the board last year, is another possibility, but don’t hold your breath.
The other option would be to select from the list of those
who lost during the primary. There are
two who stand out: Anita Daniels and Elaine Hyman. Both have experience in
county government as department heads.
Daniels, in addition to her experience as an executive with the United
Way, has worked in city government.
Daniels gets the nod over Hyman due to her strong showing
during the primary. Although it’s only
six months, those at the table are passing on the one waving to get their
In my opinion, it's the best move to make. But, who am I? I'm not at the freaking table.
Anita Daniels is a great choice! But, who am I? I not at the table nor in the Kitchen or behind closed doors.